Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh, yeah

There was also the earthquake and Hurricane Irene.


So today, there were an awful lot of things scheduled. First, meeting with the appraiser. Then work on flat files B. Oy. Jeez, we have one of THOSE? Then staff meeting. Then lunch with Dave. Coffee with Susan to go over our proposal for a class. Then dinner parts. Then therapy. Then update the resume, fill out forms, return emails, play lexulous. Then work on the prototype for the mannequin arm. Which should work.

I need to spend some alone time, I'm thinking.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to work

The inventory. It's in a strange limbo of "almost done" and "out of my jurisdiction". So I do what I can.

Next assignment is to make a master list of costume for the exhibit. It should be interesting looking for fabulous objects and coming up with swell things to show. The question is how to limit it. And see how the exhibit evolves. The potential conservation issues trouble me, though. And I would so love to be done with the inventory so the loose ends are tied up but it will have to wait. January will come up faster than we all realize.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


My friend Lynn. I'm so sorry she's passed. We were the same age. I met her at the same time I moved to Raleigh so my experience here is colored by my friendship with her. Some things she taught me:

Value of a good support bra
The shortcut home from work
The Arboretum
Where the Edwards' used to live
How to be a kinder person in the world
Cyndi's Sunday yoga class
How to be a southern gal
A different model of how to be a mom -- a better one